First, I just want to commend and acknowledge the working moms out there. I have always had the utmost respect for you and all that you do, but now that I am working (part time, mind you), that respect has! How you do it all, I don't know. You are the true super heros, in my opinion. As we are working on getting into a nice groove with our new schedule, I'm afraid my poor blog has received the short end of the stick. It pains me. Truly, it does. As I lay my head on my pillow each night recounting all the activities of the day, the one thing that looms overhead is how negligent I've been with this blog. I'm still working on finding balance.
While I don't have the brain cells to articulate what God's been doing in my heart and mind over the past week, I thought I'd jot down a few of the highlights:
- Allergies to cockroaches are nothing to laugh about.
- Sometimes empathy is all you can give.
- There is no sitting down on the job when you work at a preschool - there is no time to sit down.
- My son calls me "Teacher Mommy".
- I have surprised myself at how much I can actually do in a 24 hour period.
- God's grace truly is sufficient, and his power is made perfect in my weakness.
- Waking up before the rest of the world to be in the Word and pray, as difficult as it is some days, pays off when someone asks for prayer, and there is a pool of spiritual strength to draw from.
- God isn't expecting perfection, just willingness to try.
- I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
- And finally, I have grown quite fond of being called "Mr. Amy" by the little three-year-old boy in my Friday class. It comes out more as a "Mith-ter Amy", and my heart melts.
The lunches have been packed and prepared for the rest of the week, book bags are sitting by the door, clothes set out, and the coffee pot ready to brew at 5:15 am. Mr. Amy will be getting back to work in the morning, ready to take on a new week.