Okay, let me preface this post with the fact that I am the most non-spontaneous person on the planet. Not kidding here. And what I have up my sleeve right now could quite possibly be divine inspiration or a HUMUNGOUS flop. I guess we'll find out... This morning Joel and I were talking at the kitchen table, gulping down a pot of coffee because we were out late last night, and the three little people that we share this house with were up at an ungodly hour. That said, we started talking about God and stuff God is doing in our lives, which instantly inspired me to start sharing all the beautiful nuggets of wisdom and encouragement I gleaned from the book, My Bangs Look Good and Other Lies I Tell Myself (you can read my full review here). I pulled my book out and started reading the underlined portions aloud (which was a lot because I practically underlined the whole thing). We both laughed. Good times.
As our conversation drew to a close, I sighed, "I wish I could buy a copy of this book for all my girlfriends."
Not too long after, I came up with an idea. What if I did a give-away on my blog - the prize being a copy of My Bangs Look Good... - with the stipulation that the winner has to pay it forward? Meaning the lucky recipient of the book would then post their own My Bangs Look Good... give-away - via a blog or Facebook. And the winner of that give-away must do the same thing, and so on and so forth. Somehow, someway, keeping the goodness of this gift moving along like a wave of Tired Supergirls!
So...here's how this give-away is going down:
- Leave a comment on this blog sharing your most recent "oops" moment.
- A winner will be randomly chosen on Thursday and announced Friday on my blog (only those living in the continental United States eligible).
- The winner will be responsible for setting up their own give-away through a blog or Facebook (whichever medium works for them).
Let's pay it forward...one book at a time!